Autumn Lecture 2016 – Martin Luther and Mass Media


Nick Page

From 14:30

Methodist Central Hall, Coventry

Warwick Lane, Coventry, CV1 2HA


Diana Guthrie / [email protected]

Christian  librarians (and guests) are to be sent to Coventry on Saturday 15 October 2016 for the annual public lecture arranged by Christians in Library and Information Services.

          This is to be held at the Methodist Central Hall, Warwick Lane, Coventry, CV1 2HA, from 2.30.p.m.

          Our guest speaker is Nick Page, prized for his skills as a writer, speaker, unlicensed historian and general information-monger.   Nick has written over seventy books, including A Nearly Infallible History of Christianity and God’s Dangerous Book.    He is not now, nor has he ever been a theologian! His lecture is entitled "Martin Luther and Mass Media", the reformation in books, pamphlets, prints, sermons and the social media of the day.

          Nick is currently writing a new book A Nearly Infallible History of the Reformation, due to be published in 2017.   This will commemorate the five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther publishing his Ninety-Five Theses, an event that sparked off the Protestant Reformation and changed the course of history in Europe and the world for ever.

Nick’s lecture will look at the effect that the new media of printing and print-making, and the  explosion of new books, new words and new readers had at the time of the Reformation.

          Please join us in Coventry, if at all possible, for what should be a fascinating and informative lecture.  Although planned by CLIS, the lecture is open to all and we hope to publicise it within wider library and Christian circles.  Please encourage friends and colleagues to attend.


For those who can arrive in Coventry in time we have  booked ten places on  a morning “Art and Architecture” guided tour of the nearby Coventry Cathedral,  from 10.30.a.m.  which will take in many of the artistic and architectural highlights of this major ecclesiastical building.

          The current cathedral (St. Michael’s Cathedral) was built next to the remains of the former cathedral, which was destroyed by bombing during World War II.

          The present building was designed by Basil Spence (later knighted for this work) and consecrated on 25 May 1962.  The modernist design caused much discussion but on opening to the public it rapidly became a hugely popular symbol of reconciliation in post-war Britain.

          Notable artistic features of the interior include Graham Sutherand’s huge tapestry (once thought to be the world’s largest) of Christ.   Other highlights include the sculpture Mater Dolorosa by John Bridgeman in the East End and the Baptistry window by John Piper of abstract design, which comprises one hundred and ninety five  panes.  Also of interest are the stained glass windows in the Nave.

          There is a charge of £5.00  for entrance to the Cathedral and a further £3.00  for the guided tour.

After the Cathedral tour we will be adjourning to the Methodist Central Hall for a “Sandwiches and Cakes” platter  lunch.  The cost for this will be £5.11 per head, including VAT.

          If you would like to book a place or places for the Cathedral tour and/or lunch please inform our committee member Diana Guthrie  at the address below and enclose a cheque for the appropriate amount made payable to Diana Guthrie.  Please book early for the Cathedral tour, to avoid disappointment

          There is no need to book a place for the afternoon lecture.

          Diana Guthrie is  the contact person for further information about the day’s activities and  can be contacted at  E mail [email protected]


Coventry should be a convenient location for those coming by road since it is situated at the hub of the national motorway system.   Rail travellers can get there in just over an hour from London Euston or in a couple of hours from our Midands, Northern and Western regions.

          The Central Hall is within a short distance of the railway and bus and coach stations, and there are car parking facilities nearby.