Publishers & Robots – report on CLIS Annual Conference April 2019

DIANA GUTHRIE reports on our Annual Conference held on Saturday 6 April 2019 in the Oxford headquarters of the Universities’ and Colleges’ Christian Fellowship PUBLISHERS AND ROBOTS A group of CLIS members plus guests gathered in the comfortable surroundings of UCCF’s headquarters in Blue Boar House in the centre of Oxford for the Annual Conference. … Continue reading Publishers & Robots – report on CLIS Annual Conference April 2019

CLIS Visit to Bible Society Library, Cambridge University Library, 12 September 2018

A warm autumn day in Cambridge saw a group of CLIS members and friends gather at the University Library to be warmly greeted by Dr Onesimus Ngunga, Librarian of the Bible Society (BS) Library. Onesimus gave us a brief history of BS: inspired by the story of Mary Jones and her desire to read the … Continue reading CLIS Visit to Bible Society Library, Cambridge University Library, 12 September 2018

A petition to encourage the Government to invest directly in our public libraries

"DEMOS carried out research over the summer of 2018 to assess the potential impact of reading on several great challenges of our time: loneliness, mental health problems, dementia and social (im)mobility... In a worst case scenario, the social, political and financial pressures of these challenges will pit the young against the old, the privileged against … Continue reading A petition to encourage the Government to invest directly in our public libraries