Today (Saturday 14th April 2018) 18 members of Christians in Library and Information Services (CLIS) met for their Annual Conference and AGM at the Salvation Army Regents Hall in London.

The day started with a time of Worship and Prayer led by Karen Hans, our prayer secretary. The AGM followed chaired by Eddie Olliffe our retiring President. We received an annual report from Robert Foster (Chair) and the 2017 Accounts from our Treasurer, Diana Guthrie.
We then Elected the following Officers:
President: Richard Waller
Life Vice-President: Eddie Olliffe
Publications Editor: Graham Hedges
Membership Secretary: Janice Paine
Scottish Secretary: Anne MacRitchie

The conference followed. The conference theme was “Freedom and Truth” and the speakers were

Mark Jones, on “Gospel Freedom and the Workplace” and Malcolm Martin on “What is Truth? and how do we tell it?”. Both were excellent talks and the transcripts will follow in due course in “Christian Librarian”