2019 CLIS Annual Conference & AGM – Publishers and Robots


2019 CLIS Annual Conference & AGM

From 10:30 until 16:30


5, Blue Boar House, Blue Boar Street, Oxford, OX1 4EE

£20 or £18.50 for unwaged

Diana Guthrie - Treasurer / [email protected]

This year’s Conference is to be held on SATURDAY 6 APRIL 2019 at UCCF, Blue
Boar House, 5 Blue Boar Street, Oxford, OX1 4EE, from 10.30.a.m. – 4.45.p.m. and
will consider the twin themes of Christian publishing and artificial intelligence and
The Conference will include MANOJ RAITHATHA, from Instant Apostle, speaking
on ‘Christian Publishing for the Twenty-First Century’, and Dr. NIGEL CROOK, of
the Oxford Brookes University, speaking on ‘The Virtuous Robot: developing robots
with moral competence’.
The Conference fee is £20.00., including lunch and refreshments, with a reduced
rate of £18.50 for unwaged delegates. Payment can be made by cheque but also by
PayPal via the CLIS web site at www.christianlis.org.uk or by EFT. Please fill in the
booking form here, make any cheques payable to Christians in Library and
Information Services, and return to The Treasurer, Diana Guthrie. OR you can pay by using PayPal below.

Booking Form can be downloaded here


Conference Payment by PayPal