Visit to Library of Tyndale House, Cambridge
From 14:30 until 16:00
Tyndale House
36 Selwyn Gardens, Cambridge, CBD 9BA
Sarah Etheridge / Email::
On Wednesday 10 May there will be an exciting opportunity to visit the Library of Tyndale House, an outstanding biblical research library in Cambridge, where our member, Dr Rachel Johnson, is currently working as an Assistant Librarian. For those who can get to Cambridge in time we will start out with a traditional pub lunch at The Granta, before heading on to Tyndale House. Rachel will then be treating us to a tour of the Library, an introduction to Tyndale's work, given by the current Librarian and Chief Operating Officer, Simon Sykes, and a talk about the archives given by the voluntary archivist, Alison Stacey. We will be rounding off the visit in the best of fashions at around 4.00. p.m. with cake.
The itinerary for the day is to meet at Cambridge train station at 12.00 noon, although you are most welcome to meet us directly at The Granta pub at 12.30 p.m. instead, if that is more convenient for you (address 14 Newnham Terrace, CB3 9EX). After lunch, we will make our way to Tyndale House, just down the road (36 Selwyn Gardens, CBD 9BA), for our visit at 2:30pm.
If you would like to attend, please contact Sarah Etheridge, E-mail by Monday 10 April 2017. Please advise of any special requirements, and please confirm whether you will be joining us at the train station at 12 noon, The Granta pub at 12:30pm, or Tyndale House at 2.30.p.m.