Christian Librarian Archive. Our journal “Christian Librarian” (ISSN
0309-4170) is Open Access after a rolling one year. You will find links to recent previous full text issues of “Christian Librarian” in PDF from Autumn 2008 (Issue 42) onwards below:
No 89 – Winter 2023 – includes: Times change! by Richard Waller; Gloucester Annual Lecture; CLIS Conference Report 2023; Tribute to Jean Woods; Thomas Traherne; A Lifeline of Hope in the Middle East; Speaking of sensations; TransformWork Professional Groups Meeting; Non-majority World Theological Library Associations; & Book Reviews.
No 88 – Winter 2022/Spring 2023 –
No 87 Autumn 2021 – includes: 2021 Annual Conference Address by Mark Woods entitled Telling the Church’s story: the outlook for religious journalism; First Word by Richard Waller; CLIS’ 2020/21 Annual Report and Accounts; Two Book Reviews: Tim Dowley’s:. “Christian music : a global history”; and “A roomful of Elephants – my first eighty years in the church” by Patrick Forbes; A report of the CLIS Memories Event in October 2021, along some personal memories by some of those who attended.; tribute to Brenda Dixon; and “Meeting God in Unexpected Places”, some personal book recommendations, by Richard Waller.
No 86 Autumn 2020 – includes: Obituary and Tributes to Graham Hedges and Philip Hayworth; CLIS Annual Lecture 2019: Bob Hartman – Telling the story – Again and again; and Don Davis – Reflections on a world Cruise
No 85 Spring 2020 – includes: Richard Waller: Free Grace; Robert Foster: What About Faith and Hope?; Reviews: Lewis, MacDonald and Pullman; Louise Manners: Back from the Middle East; Graham Hedges: What Vision for 2020?; Graham Hedges: Home Sweet Home; and Nigel Crook: Developing Robots with Moral Competence. Sadly this was the last issue of the Christian Librarian edited by Graham Hedges.
No 84 Winter 2019 – includes: Richard Waller: Not Checking The Facts; Robert Foster: At This Time of the Year; Bob Hartman’s Wow Factor; Robert Foster: Another Busy Year; Reviews: Life and Literature; Margaret Hunt: RADIUS at Ninety; and Rachel Johnson: Charlotte Mason’s Concept of Living Books.
No 83 Autumn 2019 – includes: Richard Waller: The Importance of Story; Robert Foster: Old Books; Reviews: Back to the Bible; Anthony Parker: The Age of Arerogance; Winette Field: Leadership as Disobedience PartTwo; and Manoj Raithatha: God’s Vision for Us.
No 82 Summer 2019 – Includes: Richard Waller: Knowing is not Believing; Robert Foster: Mindfulness; Diana Guthrie: Publishers and Robots; Derek Jowett: Visit to the British Museum; Kim Walker: Day(s) in the Life; Winette Field: Leadership as Disobedience Part One; amd Malcolm Martin: What is Truth? And how do we know it?;
No 81 Winter/Spring 2018/19 – Includes Richard Waller: The Medium is the Message; Robert Foster: Letters to the Editor; Janice Paine: Bible Society Library; Lois Cooper: Visit to the Kilns; Annabel Haycraft: Annual General Meeting Minutes; Andrew Parker: Thirty-two Years at Westminster; and Graham Hedges: Creation Still in Crisis
No 80 Autumn 2018 – Includes Richard Waller: Guard the Deposit!; Robert Foster: Stimulating Subjects and Eye-Catching Titles; Annabel Haycraft: Exploring London; Graham Hedges: For the Sake of the Future; Graham Hedges: Information Volunteering; and Mark Jones: Gospel Freedom and the Workplace
No 79 Summer 2018 – includes Richard Waller: Loving Books, Libraries and Literature; Robert Foster: Dealing with the Imperfections; Norma Waller: Another Week in Oxford; Robert Foster: Freedom and Truth Conference; Gordon Harris and Paula Renouf: Tributes to Margaret Keeling; Karen Hans: Church Libraries Revisited; and Philip Hayworth: Library Memories
No 78 Spring 2018 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: Library Book Spending; Robert Foster: Unpacking Belief; Diana Guthrie: Luther Anniversary Remembered; Graham Rand: Mary Jones World; Rachel Johnson: Bible Society Digitisation Project; Donald G. Davis, Jr.: A Brush With the Cold War; and Simon Carver: Films and Faith: Friends or Foes?
No 77 Winter 2017 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: Advent 2017; Robert Foster: Going the Extra Mile; Graham Hedges: One Afternoon in Lambeth; Diana Guthrie: God and the Movies; Norma Waller: More Days in Oxford; Karen Hans: Facts Matter; and Maggie Barfield: Journey to Ancora
No. 76 Autumn 2017 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: The Call of God; Robert Foster: Holy Island; Norma Waller: Four Days Without Flagging; Michael Gale: E-Books and the Theological Library Sector; Susan Bates: Non-Traditional Information; and Paula Renouf: Christian Books in Libraries: The Future.
No. 75 Summer 2017 – Includes Eddie Olliffe: Render to Caesar; Robert Foster: Tyndale House Reflections; Diana Guthrie: What Future for the Library & Information Professions?; Graham Hedges: “Keep Looking Up” at Tyndale House; Lorna Collins: Shadowing Greenaway; and Nick Page: Martin Luther and Mass Media
No. 74 Spring 2017 – includes Eddie Olliffe: Push Open the Door; Robert Foster: Libraries and Churches; Karen Hans & Margaret Keeling: Faith and Fiction; Kim Walker: Senior Information and Research Officer; Sarah Etheridge: Help! I Run the Church Library; Paula Renouf: Speaking Volumes for Fifty Years; and Christopher Norris: Jolabokaflod Comes to the UK
No 73 Winter 2016 – includes Eddie Olliffe: Good Health; Graham Hedges: Silence in the Library; Diana Guthrie: Christian Librarians Sent to Coventry; Louis Hemmings: Poet With Clay Feet; Nick Spencer: Doing God: Ten Years and Counting; William Morris: What Does it Really Mean To Be A Christian in the Workplace?
No 72 Summer/Autumn 2016 – includes Christian Librarians celebrate 40 years; Derek Jowett: UCCF Uncovered; Kevin Carey: Role of the Christian Librarian in a Theologically Turbulent Age; Dr. John Andrews Remembered
No 71 Spring 2016 – includes Donald Drew: Holding Up a Mirror to Nature: Some Thoughts on Literary Criticism and the Purpose of Literature.
No 70 Winter 2015 – includes Eddie Olliffe: Best-Selling Christian Authors; Robert Foster: What Am I Reading?; Janice Paine: Spurgeon’s College Library; Diana Guthrie: Digging Deeper into Christian Thought; Diana Edmonds: Outsourcing and Privatisationl Emmanual Oladipo: Famine in the African Church.
No 69 Summer/Autumn 2015 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: London Book Fair; Robert Foster: K|ndred Spirits; Diana Guthrie: Challenges at Home and Overseas; Beth Avery: Assessment in the Library; Alison Barr: Element of Redemption; and Rachel Johnson: Just a Re-Write?
No 68 Spring 2015 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: Living Like Heaven on Earth; Louise Manners: Faith in Bahrain; Janice Paine: The Narnian Christ; Mary Barker: Listen with Mother for Adults; Jill Barber: Telling our Stories; and Tony Collins & Penelope Wilcock: A New Strategy for Christian Fiction.
No 67 Winter 2014 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: Leicester: Visiting the City of Richard III; Louise Manners: Travel Broadens the Mind; Graham Hedges: Save Souls, Grow Saints and Serve Suffering humanity; Diana Guthrie: The Thread of Redemption; Philip Thornborow: Making the Connexion: Methodist Archives; and Peter Brierley: Resources for Making Better Decisions.
No 66 Autumn 2014 – includes: Eddie Olliffe: The View from Atlanta; Diana Guthrie: Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2014; Derek Jowett: Escaping from the Bustle of London; Karen Hans & Anne MacRitchie: Speaking Volumes Awards; and Neil Hudson: Losing the Plot But Trusting the Author.
No 65 Summer 2014 – includes Graham Hedges: Between Heaven and King’s Cross; Eddie Olliffe: Literacy Matters – and Libraries Matter Too; and David Matsveru: My Call into the Ministry of Theological Education
No 64 Spring 2014 – includes Michael Ward: Imagination, Reason, Will; Kathy Hillman & Larisa Seago: Alive and Available; and Malcolm Walker: Come Over and Help Us
No 63 Winter 2013 – includes Graham Hedges: From the Middle Ages to Middle Earth; Diana Guthrie: C.S. Lewis: Meeting People Where They Are; and Beth Avery: Libraries and their Communities
No 62 Autumn 2013 – includes Richard Waller: On Fire? Volunteering With Flame Christian Local Radio; Heather Lewis: Am I Just a Librarian? Preparing to Make a Change in Career Path; and Donald G. Davis, Jr.: Retirement: What Good Is It?
No 61 Summer 2013 – includes John Waddington-Feather: E-Readers and Hedgehogs; Shirley Sinclair: The Thirty Eight Villages and Lin Ball: Torch Trust: Vision for People With Sight Loss
No 60 Spring 2013 – includes Robert Hicks: Lost Christian Letters of the First Century; and David Matsveru: Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour of Namibian Pastors
No 59 Winter 2012 – includes Margaret Keeling: Angels and Pinnacles; Louise Manners: Faith in the Dock; Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2012; Graham Hedges: Publishing Great Christian Books; Diana Guthrie: In Search of Lost Writings; Robert Foster: Eye on the Profession; Louis Hemmings: The Samovar Story; Graham Hedges: Breaking the Deafening Silence
No 58 Autumn 2012 – includes Margaret Keeling: No Simple Solutions; Louise Manners: Finding Work in Spite of the Work Programme; Susan Rugg: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe on Stage; Beth Avery: Images and Elephants; Michael Coveney: Flourishing at Work; Gordon Harris: Discipleship and Ambition; John Wickenden: God’s Purpose Driven Librarian; and Sara Batts: Career Development for the Christian
No 57 Summer 2012 – includes Margaret Keeling: Olympic Legacy; Diana Guthrie: Librarians and Disciples in a Time of Trouble; Graham Hedges: “Something to Irritate Everyone”; Louise Manners: Celebrating King James; Graham Hedges: Legitimate Questions; Robert Foster: Self-Service Borrowing; Emma Walsh: Oxford’s ‘Narnia’ Libraries; and Ian Robinson: Librarian’s Delight – or Nightmare?
No. 56 Spring 2012 – includes Margaret Keeling: Looking Back, Looking Forward; Louise Manners: Royal Occasion; Mary Wood: The Next Thirty Years?; Frank Waller: Epworth Press: Explore, Express, Engage?; Janet White: Cataloguing the Epworth Collection; Dave Roberts: Spirits in the Material World; and Louise Manners: Eye on the Profession
No. 55 Winter 2011 – including: Margaret Keeling: Past Perceptions and Future Strategies; Louise Manners: Saints, Relics and Devotion; Graham Hedges: In the Footsteps of the Oxford Translators; Diana Guthrie: It’s Only A Story But …; Robert Foster: Navigating Through the Mass of Information; Michael Langrish: Wisdom, Word and Wiki; Graham Hedges: Contending for the Faith or Spoiling for a Fight?; and John Waddington-Feather: All Change
No. 54 Autumn 2011 – including: Margaret Keeling: Beauty out of Disturbance; Louise Manners: Farewell to Bishop’s Stortford; Jean Woods: Museum of the Book @ All Hallows; Graham Hedges: Bishop’s Challenge to Librarians; Beth Avery: Eye on the Profession; Rob Cotton: Biblefresh; and Pete Wilcox: Lichfield Cathedral Library and the Story of the English Bible
No. 53 Summer 2011 – including: Margaret Keeling: Credo: Formal Belief or Daily Direction?; Diana Guthrie: 2011: The Year of the Bible; Graham Hedges: Ken Bakewell Remembered; Elizabeth Barber: Life After Librarianship; Rosemary Seton: A National Survey of Religious Archives; Karen Stahl: The Celtic Christian Studies Library; and Graham Hedges: Resources for the Year of the Bible
No. 52 Spring 2011 – including: Gordon Harris: The Last Should Be First; Louise Manners: Year of Opportunity; The Bookworm’s Spring Selection; Mary Wood: Public Libraries and the Comprehensive Spending Review; Alan Garrow: The Five Lord’s Prayers; Ken Bakewell: The Word of God; and Margaret Keeling: The 365/66 Group
No. 51 Winter 2010 – including: Gordon Harris: Innovation, Cuts and the Anchor; Graham Hedges: A World of Wisdom for Today’s Christian; Mary Wood: Praying for Tomorrow’s Bread; Louise Manners: Eye on the Profession; Lucy Rutherford: The Archives and Library of Bath Abbey; A.D. Harvey: Priests and Poets in the Romantic Period; and Ken Bakewell: For All the Saints
No. 50 Autumn 2010 – including: Gordon Harris: Leadership Issues for CILIP’s New Chief Executive; Louise Manners: American Diary; Louise Manners: At Home With John Wesley; Philip Hayworth: The Rylands Legacy; Anne MacRitchie: Cuts in Library Services; Tony Jasper: Author Minefield: Publisher Wants, People Wants, Librarian Wants; and Eddie Olliffe: UK Christian Retailing: Albatross, Dodo or Jewel
No. 49 Summer 2010 – including: Gordon Harris: Preparing for 2020; Louise Manners: Worthwhile Events and Regular Publications; Graham Hedges: Ancient Shock; Mary Barker and Diana Guthrie: Of Making of Books; Robert Foster: Brave New Libraries; Sara Batts: On-Line Church; and Ken Bakewell: Communicating Via the Holy Spirit
No. 48 Spring 2010 – includes: Gordon Harris: Talking to God; Louise Manners: The Year Ahead; Graham Hedges: Does God Work Here?; Janet White: A Trip to Serbia; Richard Waller: Libraries Are More Important Than We Think; Alan Howell: Changes and Challenges in Literature Outreach; and The Bookworm’s Spring Selection
No. 47 Winter 2009 – includes: Gordon Harris: Putting a Cat Among the Secular Pigeons; Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2009; Charmaine Bourton: The Land That Time Forgot; Mary Barker: Reaching Out to Muslims; Louise Manners: Eye on the Profession; Donald G. Davis, Jr.: The Nicodemus Syndrome; and David Ronco: Ears to Hear
No. 46 Autumn 2009 – includes: Gordon Harris: Darwinism and Creationism; Jean Woods: One Afternoon in Westminster; Graham Hedges: Acapella Singing Under the Umbrella; Mary Barker: Drinking Champagne and Tinkering With Dewey; Anne MacRitchie: Eye on the Profession: Are E-Books the Future?; Andii Bowsher: Adam and Dewey; and Rhona Floate: Desert Island Texts
No. 45 Summer 2009 – includes Gordon Harris: Miracles, Sacrifice and Victory; Louise Manners: Well Attended and Enthusiastically Received; Mary Wood: Nottingham 2009; Robert Foster: Automatic Selection: Victorian Public Libraries and Darwin’s Books on Evolution; Stuart Glover: Issues in NHS Libraries; Rick Pearl: Sunday: Holy Day or Wholly Inconvenient?; and John Urquhart: Coffee, Calling and the Christian Librarian
No. 44 Spring 2009 – includes Gordon Harris: Miracle Stories; Louise Manners: Getting the Economy Moving; Richard Waller: Eye on the Profession; Geoff Warren: For Such A Time As This; Paul Valler: Get A Life; The Bookworm’s Spring Selection; and Donald G. Davis, Jr.: Lost in An Un-Christian World
No. 43 Winter 2008 – includes: Gordon Harris: Unity and Disunity; Louise Manners: Bibles in Swindon; Louise Manners: Christian Librarians Invade Winchester 2008;; Winette Field: Issues Facing a Theological Library; Ken Bakewell: Life After Librarianship; Guy Marshall: A Bookshop With History; and Margaret Keeling: ‘Neither Stars Nor Angels’
No. 42 Autumn 2008 – includes: Gordon Harris: Jesus and Leadership; Louise Manners: Putting Everything Into Perspective; Graham Hedges: Preserving the Past in Bermondsey; Anne MacRitchie: A Library in Stone; Richard Ratcliffe: Non-Conformist Records; Jeff Bonser: Inns Offer Room to Jesus; and Adrian Plass: It’s A Sign!
Full Text of these issues to follow:
No. 41 Summer 2008 – includes: Gordon Harris: Moral Conundrums; Louise Manners: Summer of 2008; Mary Wood: Looking Back and Reaching Out; Richard Waller: Performance Management and the Gospel of Christ; Chris Mansfield: Evangelical Library West; Peter Steddon: Presence and Prayer; and Malcolm Walker: A Month in Texas
No. 37 Summer 2007 – includes: Gordon Harris: Speak Up!; Kirsty Robinson: Events and More; Louise Manners: This is My Story – This is My Song; Stewart Henderson: Making Words Work; Sara Batts Taking Faith to Work; The Bookworm’s Summer Holiday; and Donald G. Davis, Jr.: Critical Questions
No. 36 Spring 2007 – includes: Gordon Harris: Dancing Before the Lord; Kirsty Robinson: Making Things Happen; Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2006; Elizabeth Magba: An Old-Fashioned Ethic in a Digital Age; Lee Jong Yun: A Kingdom to Restore; Graham Hedges: Spotlight on Steve Turner; and Ken Bakewell: Religious Notices in Public Libraries
No. 13 1989 – “A Great Gulf Fixed Christian and Humanist Values in Childrens Books”, by Ngaio Malcolm. Christian Librarian, Vol. 13, pages 9-28 (1989)